White Sage 6" Jumbo Smudge Wand!
🎇White Sage to Purify, Protect and Bless!🎇
You are buying one (1) 6" California white sage smudge wand.
Smudging with white sage offers the benefits of purifying you and your environment, banishing negative energy and/or entities, clearing haunted spaces and relaxing and calming people, pets and spirits.
What is Smudging?
Smudging is the common name given to a powerful cleansing technique from the Native North American Tradition. Smudging calls on the spirits of sacred plants to drive away negative energies and restore balance. It is the art of cleansing yourself and your environment using simple ritual and ceremony. For thousands of years smudging has been a part of Native American tradition but now this practice is becoming far more widespread and with the advent of the internet, White Sage is now readily available to nearly everyone.
About White Sage
White Sage (Salvia Apiana) leaves are widely used as a cleansing herb, to purify the mind, body and also to purify the atmosphere & to dispel negativity. It is also used to purify sacred items. It is often carried in a charm bag or even a pocket to ensure personal and spiritual safety. Sage is used in wish manifestations and to attract money. This herb is often used to promote healing and spirituality.
Smudging - A Powerful Practice
How can smudging be so powerful? The answer lies in the world of spiritual energy. Homes and bodies are not just made of just the physical matter; they also vibrate with quiet, invisible energy. Cleansing a space or ourselves with techniques such as smudging helps to cleanse away all the emotional and psychic 'trash' that may have gathered over the last few days, months, years or even hundreds of years. In a very real way, it is a form of spiritual spring cleaning!
The effects of smudging can be surprisingly quick and dramatic. Smudging can help you banish stress, rid yourself and the area around you of negativity and even give you more energy. Smoke from White Sage can help dispel anger and calm frayed nerves, thus helping to avoid a fight or argument even before it begins! Smudging with White Sage can turn any space, no matter where, into a calming sanctuary - a place of renewal and increased happiness.
How to Smudge
Before you begin:
* Make sure the area you are smudging is well ventilated. This is a health precaution, as well as a spiritually practical one as well, as the negative energy will need an "escape route".
* Smoke from herbs can lead to allergic reactions or trigger asthma or other forms of respiratory distress in sensitive persons.
* Do not use near infants or very young children or people with respiratory problems such as asthma.
* Do not begin using smudge if you are pregnant.
* Never leave burning smudge unattended.
* Place some sand or soil or even salt in the bottom of the container to provide insulation as otherwise the container could scorch a surface it is placed upon.
Begin Smudging:
First, for a total cleansing, open all doors & windows of space to be cleared, providing an "exit" point for all the old energies. (This opening of the windows, etc. is not always necessary, but it is useful to have at least one open door or window whenever smudging)
Focus on your intent:
Any action, undertaken with intention and belief can become a potent ritual. Consider your intention before you smudge and hold it clearly in your mind. You may wish to invite the spirit of the herbs to join you and guide and assist with your intention.
A long handled candle lighter, match or candle is recommended to light the herbs as it may take a little time to get the herb smoking. Once there's a flame, put it out so that the herb is smoldering, not burning. Wave the flame with your hand or feather to put out the fire. Allow the smudge herbs to smolder, freeing the smoke to circle in the air.
You are buying one (1) 6" California white sage smudge wand.
Smudging with white sage offers the benefits of purifying you and your environment, banishing negative energy and/or entities, clearing haunted spaces and relaxing and calming people, pets and spirits.
What is Smudging?
Smudging is the common name given to a powerful cleansing technique from the Native North American Tradition. Smudging calls on the spirits of sacred plants to drive away negative energies and restore balance. It is the art of cleansing yourself and your environment using simple ritual and ceremony. For thousands of years smudging has been a part of Native American tradition but now this practice is becoming far more widespread and with the advent of the internet, White Sage is now readily available to nearly everyone.
About White Sage
White Sage (Salvia Apiana) leaves are widely used as a cleansing herb, to purify the mind, body and also to purify the atmosphere & to dispel negativity. It is also used to purify sacred items. It is often carried in a charm bag or even a pocket to ensure personal and spiritual safety. Sage is used in wish manifestations and to attract money. This herb is often used to promote healing and spirituality.
Smudging - A Powerful Practice
How can smudging be so powerful? The answer lies in the world of spiritual energy. Homes and bodies are not just made of just the physical matter; they also vibrate with quiet, invisible energy. Cleansing a space or ourselves with techniques such as smudging helps to cleanse away all the emotional and psychic 'trash' that may have gathered over the last few days, months, years or even hundreds of years. In a very real way, it is a form of spiritual spring cleaning!
The effects of smudging can be surprisingly quick and dramatic. Smudging can help you banish stress, rid yourself and the area around you of negativity and even give you more energy. Smoke from White Sage can help dispel anger and calm frayed nerves, thus helping to avoid a fight or argument even before it begins! Smudging with White Sage can turn any space, no matter where, into a calming sanctuary - a place of renewal and increased happiness.
How to Smudge
Before you begin:
* Make sure the area you are smudging is well ventilated. This is a health precaution, as well as a spiritually practical one as well, as the negative energy will need an "escape route".
* Smoke from herbs can lead to allergic reactions or trigger asthma or other forms of respiratory distress in sensitive persons.
* Do not use near infants or very young children or people with respiratory problems such as asthma.
* Do not begin using smudge if you are pregnant.
* Never leave burning smudge unattended.
* Place some sand or soil or even salt in the bottom of the container to provide insulation as otherwise the container could scorch a surface it is placed upon.
Begin Smudging:
First, for a total cleansing, open all doors & windows of space to be cleared, providing an "exit" point for all the old energies. (This opening of the windows, etc. is not always necessary, but it is useful to have at least one open door or window whenever smudging)
Focus on your intent:
Any action, undertaken with intention and belief can become a potent ritual. Consider your intention before you smudge and hold it clearly in your mind. You may wish to invite the spirit of the herbs to join you and guide and assist with your intention.
A long handled candle lighter, match or candle is recommended to light the herbs as it may take a little time to get the herb smoking. Once there's a flame, put it out so that the herb is smoldering, not burning. Wave the flame with your hand or feather to put out the fire. Allow the smudge herbs to smolder, freeing the smoke to circle in the air.